The geometric hypergraph zoo (beta)

The geometric hypergraph zoo (definitions see below)



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Definitions and legend

geometric hypergraphs

\({\cal H}^R({\cal B},{\cal F})\): given families of regions \(\cal B\) and \(\cal F\), and relation \(R\), \({\cal H}^R({\cal B},{\cal F})\) is the hypergraph with a vertex \(v_b\) for each \(B\) in \(\cal B\) and a hyperedge \(h_F\) for each region \(F\) in \(\cal F\) where \(h_F\) contains those vertices \(v_B\) for which \(B ~R~ F\) (\(B\) is in relation \(R\) with \(F\)). In \({\cal H}^R({\cal B},{\cal F})\) we get rid of multiple copies of hyperedges, so it is a simple hypergraph.
We refer to \({\cal H}^R({\cal B},{\cal F})\) simply as '\(B ~R~ F\)', so, e.g., for the hypergraph whose vertices are a finite number of points in the plane and whose edges are defined by a finite number of disks with the containment relation, we refer to as 'pt/disk'.

Possible relations \(R\) are:
- intersection relation, denoted by '/': \(B\) intersects \(F\);
  when \({\cal H}^/({\cal B},{\cal F})\) and \({\cal H}^/({\cal F},{\cal B})\) are equivalent, then we refer to both of them by using the relation 'X' (e.g., 'ptXtransl disk' refers to both 'pt/transl disk' and 'transl disk/pt')
- containment relation, denoted by '\(\subset\)': \(B\) contains \(F\)
- reverse containment relation, denoted by '\(\supset\)': \(F\) contains \(B\)

geometric families

Axis-parallel (rectangle, bottomless rectangle, strip) is abbreviated to a-p

Pseudo-disk family:
Its members are simply connected regions of the plane whose boundaries intersect at most twice.
In most theorems/proofs, the following weaker parity condition is also sufficient: for any two members of the family, \(A\) and \(B\), any path \(\pi_A\subset A\) connecting any two points \(a_1,a_2\in A\setminus B\) properly crosses any path \(\pi_B\subset B\) connecting any two points \(b_1,b_2\in B\setminus A\) an even number of times. This holds for non-piercing families as well:

Non-piercing family:
For any two members of the family, \(A\) and \(B\), \(A\setminus B\) is connected.

Stabbed family:
The intersection of all members is non-empty, e.g., they all contain the origin.

Dynamic family:
Given a hypergraph \(\cal H\), its dynamic closure is a hypergraph on the same vertex set that we get by ordering the vertices of \(\cal H\) in an arbitrary way and then for every hyperedge \(E\) of \(\cal H\) every prefix of \(E\) (with the above order) is a hyperedge in the dynamic closure of \(\cal H\).

chromatic number, \(\chi\)

Proper coloring of a hypergraph \(\cal H\):
a coloring of the points of \(\cal H\) such that every hyperedge of \(\cal H\) of size at least \(2\) contains \(2\) points with different colors.

Chromatic number (\(\chi\)) of a hypergraph \(\cal H\):
\(\chi(\cal H)\) denotes the minimum number of colors in a proper coloring of \(\cal H\).

Chromatic number (\(\chi\)) of \(B\) with respect to \(F\) with relation \(R\):
\(\chi\) denotes the maximum \(\chi(\cal H)\) over every hypergraph \({\cal H}^R({\cal B'},{\cal F'})\) where \(\cal B'\) is a finite subfamily of \(\cal B\) and \(\cal F'\) is a finite subfamily of \(\cal F\);
\(n\) denotes the size of \(\cal B'\) when \(\chi\) depends on \(n\).

m-chromatic number, \(\chi_m, m_2\)

\({\cal H}_m\) and \({\cal H}_{\ge m}\): given a hypergraph \(\cal H\),
\({\cal H}_{=m}\) denotes the subhypergraph of \(\cal H\) containing the hyperedges of size exactly \(m\) and
\({\cal H}_{\ge m}\) (or simply \({\cal H}_{m}\)) denotes the subhypergraph of \(\cal H\) containing the hyperedges of size at least \(m\).
\({\cal H}_{=2}\) is called the Delaunay-graph of \({\cal H}\).

m-chromatic number (\(\chi_m\)) of \(\cal B\) with respect to \(\cal F\) with relation \(R\):
\(\chi_m\) denotes the smallest number \(c\) for which there exists a constant number \(m\) such that the chromatic number of \({\cal H}^R_m({\cal B'},{\cal F'})\) is \(\le c\) for every \(\cal B'\) finite subfamily of \(\cal B\) and \(\cal F'\) finite subfamily of \(\cal F\).

\(m_2\): suppose that \(\chi_m=2\), then
\(m_2\) denotes the smallest number \(m\) such that the chromatic number of \({\cal H}^R_m({\cal B'},{\cal F'})\) is \(\le 2\) for every \(\cal B'\) finite subfamily of \(\cal B\) and \(\cal F'\) finite subfamily of \(\cal F\).

polychromatic coloring, \(m_k\)

Polychromatic \(k\)-coloring of \(\cal H\):
a \(k\)-coloring of the points of \(\cal H\) such that every hyperedge of \(\cal H\) contains points with all \(k\) colors.

\(m_k\): suppose that \(\chi_m=2\), then
\(m_k\) denotes the smallest number \(m_k\) such that \({\cal H}^R_{m_k}({\cal B'},{\cal F'})\) is polychromatic \(k\)-colorable for every \(\cal B'\) finite subfamily of \(\cal B\) and \(\cal F'\) finite subfamily of \(\cal F\).

size of the hypergraph, \(e,e_k,e_{\le k},a\)

Number of edges of a hypergraph in \(\cal H\):

(\(e\)) of \(\cal B\):
\(e\) denotes the maximal possible number of hyperedges of a hypergraph in \(\cal B\) on \(n\) vertices.

(\(e_k\)) of \(\cal B\):
\(e_k\) denotes the maximal possible number of \(k\)-uniform hyperedges of a hypergraph in \(\cal B\) on \(n\) vertices.

(\(e_{\le k}\)) of \(\cal B\):
\(e_{\le k}\) denotes the maximal possible number of hyperedges of size at most \(k\) of a hypergraph in \(\cal B\) on \(n\) vertices.

(\(a\)) of \(\cal B\):
\(a\) denotes the maximal possible number of hyperedges of a hypergraph in \(\cal B\) on \(n\) vertices which is an antichain, i.e., is containment-free.


VC-dim of \(\cal H\):
\(\cal H\) shatters \(X\) if for every \(Y\) subset of \(X\) there is a hyperedge \(H\) of \(\cal H\) that intersects \(X\) in exactly \(Y\).

\(VC\)-dim: denotes the size of the largest \(X\) that is shattered by \(\cal B\).

shallow hitting set, \(\tau_s\)

\(C\)-shallow hitting set of \(\cal H\):
a set of the points of \(X\) is a \(C\)-shallow hitting set of \(\cal H\) if it intersects each set in \(1\) to \(C\) elements.
a family is an antichain if it is containment-free, i.e., no member of it contains another member.

\(\tau_s\): denotes the smallest number for which there is a \(\tau_s\)-shallow hitting set for every antichain \(\cal B'\) finite subfamily of \(\cal B\).

\(\varepsilon\)-net, weak-\(\varepsilon\)-net

\(\varepsilon\)-net of \(\cal H\):
a subset of the vertices of \(\cal H\) is an \(\varepsilon\)-net of a hypergraph \(\cal H\) on \(n\) vertices if it intersects each set of size \(\ge\varepsilon n\).
if \(\cal H\) is embedded in some space \(X\), then a weak \(\varepsilon\)-net of a hypergraph \(\cal H\) on \(n\) points can contain other elements than these \(n\) points (and it intersects each set of size \(\ge\varepsilon n\)).

\(\varepsilon\)-net of \(\cal B\):
denotes the maximal size of a minimal \(\varepsilon\)-net for a hypergraph in \(\cal B\).

weak-\(\varepsilon\)-net of \(\cal B\):
denotes the maximal size of a minimal weak-\(\varepsilon\)-net for a hypergraph in \(\cal B\).

discrepancy, \(discr\), \(D\)

Discrepancy (combinatorial and measure) of a hypergraph (family):

\(discr\) of \(\cal B\): denotes the maximum difference in the number of blue and red points in a hyperedge in an optimal two-coloring of the vertices of a hypergraph on \(n\) vertices from \(\cal B\).

\(D\) of \(\cal B\): denotes the maximum difference in the number of points and \(n\) times the measure of a set from \(\cal B\) intersected by a unit cube for an optimal set of \(n\) points.


Left-click: select item.

Shift or Ctrl + Left-click: add item to selection.

Right-click or long-click: hide item.

: the family has χ=∞.

: the family has χ<∞ and χₘ>2 or it is not known if it has χ=∞ or χₘ=2.

: the family has χₘ=2 and it has mₖ non-linear or it is not known to have linear mₖ.

: the family has χₘ=2 and mₖ=O(k).


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